St Peters Exercise Helps with Back Pain Relief and Strength
“Doc, what type of exercise do you think would help?”
“The kind that you will do!”
There is some wit in that response, but it’s true, also. Exercise that you will do is the most useful exercise of all! Whether you experience St Peters neck pain or St Peters back pain, strengthening exercise comes in handy. Old Mill Chiropractic is here to help you figure out what exercise you will do and exercise that will help you.
General strength and conditioning exercise benefits chronic low back pain patients, especially in terms of pain intensity reduction. Comparing general strength and conditioning exercise to motor control exercise with manual therapy made known that the general exercise tended to provide a more assorted range of treatment outcomes. Specifically, the general exercise bettered trunk endurance, leg muscle strength and endurance, disability, multifidus muscle volume, and fear of moving in chronic low back pain patients. (1) A Cochrane Review of published medical literature showed that motor control exercise is more successful in decreasing chronic low back pain than minimal intervention, but, on its own, motor control exercise doesn’t stand out to be better than other exercise or manual therapy for pain relief. (2) What’s that mean? General strength and conditioning exercise is advantageous for pain reduction by improving the overall body condition. Old Mill Chiropractic helps St Peters back pain patients set up an exercise routine that works for them to maximize pain reduction and increase strength.
Old Mill Chiropractic also works to maximize back pain reduction and strength improvement by blending exercise with chiropractic treatment. Old Mill Chiropractic uses The Cox® Technic System of Spinal Pain Management to enhance such clinical outcomes. A recent report states that combining manipulative treatment with exercise reduced pain and improved functional disability more than exercise only for non-specific neck pain sufferers. (3) Together, your St Peters chiropractor and you will determine the proper exercises and the right exercise routine to complement your St Peters chiropractic treatment plan to get you back to your best life possible!
CONTACT Old Mill Chiropractic
Listen to this PODCAST with Dr. Dean Lehmkuhler on The Back Doctors Podast with Dr. Michael Johnson as he discusses his Spine+Fit exercise/chiropractic care program for back pain.
Schedule your St Peters chiropractic appointment today. Your St Peters chiropractor has the answer to your question about what exercise helps: the exercise that you will do, and the exercise that strengthens you!