St Peters Fall Prevention and Pain Relief with Chiropractic Care
Falls can happen at any age. Falls can cause much harm or not much harm at all. Falling once certainly can increase the level of fear of falling again. All these bits of information point out that falls are a concern, a concern that is age blind. Old Mill Chiropractic always asks our St Peters chiropractic patients if they’ve fallen lately. Old Mill Chiropractic supports interventions like exercise that may reduce the fear of falls, the impact of falls and the incidence of falls. Plus, Old Mill Chiropractic is quite good at relieving St Peters back pain or neck pain that results.
Older folks live at home alone and with others or in community-based housing. Each situation carries a risk of falling. Rugs, pets, misreading steps, or any number of things can result in a fall. For these older folks, the fear of falling is not unusual. Researchers have done research studies looking at exercise interventions that decrease the fear of falling as well as the risk of falling. Such trials with community-dwelling older persons incorporated planned, structured, repetitive physical activity oriented to improving strength, gait, balance and mood as well as decreasing falls. Some interventions tested are three dimensional like Tai Chi, Yoga, resistance training, and balance work. One meta-analysis of exercise trials described non-statistically significant benefits but benefits even so: an 11% drop in people who fell, a 13% drop in falls, a 19% decrease in injuries from falls. (1) Another study of people between 60 and 88 years old that implemented a judo inspired exercise program which taught them how to fall and how to prevent falls revealed significant improvements in physical performance, fall-related self-efficacy and fall methods. (2) They reported that such practices worked, particularly immediately following the intervention. (3) Old Mill Chiropractic would support our older St Peters patients’ continued exercising to extend these fall-prevention and fall-fear-reducing benefits!
Younger folks can benefit from St Peters fall prevention strategies as falls may be detrimental to them, too. Falls and fall-related injuries endanger people at all ages. Falls at work and at home are an issue. A workplace trial that lasted 10 weeks for working age adults with a judo-inspired exercise program set out to improve physical function, activity, fall-related self-efficacy and safe-landing skills for a fall. Participants got better physically and psychologically. They gathered techniques in how to fall safely and how to prevent falls. (4) Old Mill Chiropractic supports exercise for all St Peters chiropractic family members, young and old, to keep strong and healthy in the face of challenges like falls. Old Mill Chiropractic helps alleviate fall-related back pain and neck pain, too.
CONTACT Old Mill Chiropractic
Listen to this PODCAST with Dr. Lee Hazen on The Back Doctors Podcast with Dr. Michael Johnson as he describes helping a patient recover from pain due to a fall following The Cox® Technic System of Spinal Pain Management.
Schedule your St Peters chiropractic visit with Old Mill Chiropractic to take the fear out of falling, the pain out of a fall, and the risk of a fall and decrease it with some advice on strengthening exercise along with back pain-relieving chiropractic care.