Old Mill Chiropractic Shares Benefit of Vitamins to Gut Microbiome
Our bodies are hosts, hosts of our physical bodies as well as of microbial life. They are tied together and live on proper nutrition. Old Mill Chiropractic helps our St Peters chiropractic patients navigate the world of gut nutrition as it is tied to physical and microbial life.
The gut microbiome is critical in maintaining physical health and in breeding disease. The diet is key. Fermentable fiber and other nutrients affect the composition of the gut microbiome and gastrointestinal health. Vitamins A and D are crucial vitamins as they regulate the gut immune response or act as an obstacle to disease and thereby impact gastrointestinal health and the microbiome. Researchers report that vitamins help the gut microbiome by increasing the number of presumed commensals (A, B2, B3, C, K, beta carotene), microbial diversity (A, B2, B3, C, K) and richness (D), short chain fatty acid production (C), and the great quantity of short chain fatty acid producers (B2, E). (1) Making a quality multi-supplement part of your everyday routine is quite beneficial to be included in your St Peters chiropractic treatment plan!
Our bodies function together with microbial life to maintain health and to deal with disease. The gut microbiota are said to make hundreds of bioactive compounds including B-vitamins which can suppress competitive microbial species’ growth. B vitamins are mostly absorbed from the small intestine though excess B is supplied to the distal gut as required. Recent studies are exploring the other roles B vitamins seem to take on there: nutrients for both the host and the microbiota, regulators of immune cell activity, mediators of drug efficacy, supporters of the survival of certain bacterium, suppressors of pathogenic bacteria colonization, and colitis modulators. (2) Your St Peters chiropractor understands nutrition, particularly how B vitamins are well appreciated by the body and its microbiota!
Another interesting tie Old Mill Chiropractic wants to share is a tie between the microbiota, immune cell activity, and inflammation. The gut-associated lymphoid tissue is described as the largest immunity organ in the human body. Disturbances to the gut microbiome may lead to enhanced gut permeability and trigger systemic inflammation as well as issues with the central nervous system. Proinflammatory cytokines (via the kynurenine pathway’s enzymes creating neuroactive metabolites – another topic for another time!) are linked to several psychiatric disorders (bipolar, schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s, autism, depression, alcoholism). Probiotics which can impact proinflammatory cytokines are suggested as potentially reducing the toxicity of the kynurenine-linked metabolites. (3) There is so much we are finding out about inflammation, immunity, and the gut. This association to psychiatric issues is another interesting topic to Old Mill Chiropractic.
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Listen to this PODCAST with Dr. James Cox on The Back Doctors Podcast with Dr. Michael Johnson as he illustrates the potential benefit of nutrition for immune support.
Schedule your St Peters chiropractic appointment soon. Combining nutrition with gentle chiropractic treatment via The Cox® Technic System of Spinal Pain Management is a great approach to taking care of your body!