St Peters Back Pain Linked with Sarcopenia and Back Muscle Degeneration
Sarcopenia finds many of us some day if we live long enough! Muscle degeneration comes with aging. Many of us won’t avoid it. It’s the degeneration and loss of skeletal muscle mass, quality and strength which goes with aging. But back pain severity is more associated with back muscle degeneration than sarcopenia. The more back muscle degeneration, the more back pain is felt. (1) Old Mill Chiropractic takes care of older St Peters back pain patients to manage their back pain and manage its effect on their lives as they age gracefully.
Aging and life influence muscle strength. A new study reports that after experiencing back surgery, post-surgical back pain patients’ MRIs showed muscle degeneration in all patients. Type 2 fatty degeneration was most often seen over other types of changes like inflammation and scarring. (2) Muscle degeneration plays a role in patients’ experiences of back pain.
Listen to this PODCAST with Dr. James Cox on The Back Doctors Podcast with Dr. Michael Johnson who shares how Cox® Technic helps patients who have undergone back surgery get their back muscles and spine back into shape, no matter their age.
Chronic changes in back muscles are seen throughout the spine eventually. Acute changes immediately after injury are seen within the few days following surgery. Researchers set out to figure out if these changes came before or after the injury. They discovered that the multifidus muscle reduced quickly after lumbar injury at the level of injury. (3) In a new study of patients over 65 years of age, 40% of chronic low back pain patients experienced sarcopenia. 26.6% of the control group (those who didn’t have chronic low back pain) had sarcopenia. The skeletal muscle mass was smaller and body fat ratio was much bigger in the chronic low back pain group. Lumbar multifidis and erector spine muscles were much reduced in the chronic low back pain group, too. (4) St Peters chiropractic patients with sarcopenia have back pain and other issues that chiropractic treats.
Old Mill Chiropractic has males and females with sarcopenia and other conditions in its St Peters chiropractic practice. Sarcopenia in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis was much more common in females than males over 70 years old. In another study, 13.9% of patients had sarcopenia which was accompanied by dyslipidemia and cardiovascular disease. They also had decreased body weight, body mass, grip strength, and walking distance. These patients felt pain more deeply. (5) Your St Peters chiropractor knows this and gently manages their experience of pain and its source with gentle chiropractic treatment and exercise.
CONTACT Old Mill Chiropractic
Schedule a St Peters chiropractic visit with Old Mill Chiropractic for back pain issues related to sarcopenia and back muscle degeneration. Aging, back pain and degeneration do not have to prevent you from enjoying your life!